October 31, 2022 2 min read
Mischief Night, also called Devil’s Night, Cabbage Night and a few other names, is an informal holiday that takes place the night before Halloween. During Mischief Night, young people roam the neighborhood pulling pranks and vandalizing property by throwing eggs and decorating trees with toilet paper. It’s all fun and games for kids but it is quite annoying for the adults who have to clean up the mess.
One of the most challenging Mischief Night pranks to have to clean up after is raw eggs thrown on windows, cars and doors. Egg is such a headache to clean, especially when it's on glass and extra-specially when it has hardened in the cold overnight. But, as usual, we got you over here.
With Good Vibes All Purpose Cleaner, cleaning egg off windows and other outside surfaces is easy as pumpkin pie. Here’s what to do
For windows, doors or siding you’ll need:
- A bucket of hot water
- Good Vibes All Purpose Cleaner
- A microfiber cleaning cloth
- A squeegee
First, you’ll pour the hot water over the egg or use the cleaning cloth to drench the stained window (or surface) with the hot water. The steam will help break it up. Next, you’ll pour Good Vibes, full strength, directly on your cleaning cloth and give the window/surface a good scrub. If you need to rinse and repeat, go ahead and do that now. Finally you remove all traces of soap on windows with your squeegee, moving horizontally in an S formation to minimize streaking. For surfaced, rinse your cleaning cloth, wring it out and wipe the surface down to absorb excess water.
To get egg off of cars you will need
- A bucket of hot water
- Good Vibes APC
- A big car washing sponge
- Towels for drying
Again, pour some of the hot water directly on the mess to help break it up. Then, dip your sponge into the hot water and add Good Vibes APC directly to the sponge, liberally. Use the sponge to clean the car moving your hand in circular motions. Rinse the area with hot water and repeat if necessary. Use the towels to dry off your car.
With the help of Good Vibes, you won't have to suffer a few pesky kids ruining your Halloween. Have a fun one!
What’s the worst prank the kids have ever pulled on you during Mischief Night?
October 31, 2022
Ymani! I love your product,& your creative marketing,keeping GoodVibes fresh in people’s thoughts! Keep up the good work & stay…So Phresh! ✌️🥰🌈
September 23, 2024 4 min read
September 08, 2024 3 min read
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October 31, 2022
Thank you Erin! 🙌🏾